Developed instruments

Ověřená technologie přípravy antireflexní vrstvy pro vlnovou délku 266 nm
Funkční vzorek AR vrstvy pro 266 nm s R<0,5% na vrstvu
In-situ SEM reactor for synthesis of battery materials
Multifunctional SPM probe of the new generation
Optical measurement detection unit: Cathodoluminescence
Optical measurement detection unit: Raman spectroscopy
Nanoscale calibration sample for magnetic contrast imaging in SEM
Optimalised Specimen insert/retract mechanism (proof of concept)
Calibration sample for magnetic contrast imaging in SEM
Polarization Manipulation Using a Dielectric Metasurface
Focusing lens as a dielectric metasurface
Apparatus for cold electron auto emission measurements
Atomic source designed for UHV SEM
Technology for observation of redox reactions in SEM
Optical module for imaging and spectroscopy in back focal plane
Metal-nitride layer with plasmonic optical structure
Control unit for atomic hydrogen source
Method for fabrication of metallic optical metasurfaces on transparent non-conductive substrates
Atomic hydrogen source suitable for SEM
Akiyama probe holder for magnetic layer deposition
Sample holder for sample cooling (20 K) and heating (1000 K) in UHV
Electrochemical cell for simultaneous measurements of optical properties
Spin-off company: NenoVision offering AFM for electron microscopes.
Educational Model of Scanning Probe Microscope
Stick-slip piezoelectric motor
Low temperature ultra-high vacuum microscope STM
Sublimation source of carbon atoms
Radiatively heated Al effesion cell
Three segment ogranic molecule evaporation source
Device for optical spectroscopic measurements
BUT ToF-SARS analyzer for hydrogen detection
System for characterization and optimization of piezoactuators
Preamplifier for quartz tuning fork signal
Device for relative humidity regulation in AFM
Automation and control of deposition by IBAD/IBS
Probes for scanning near-field optical microscopy
High voltage amplifier and low-noise linear power supply
The list of instruments developed before 2013 can be found here.